Shimla to Kalpa Distance by Taxi

Shimla to Kalpa by road distance is 235 km and the driving route from Shimla to Kalpa via Theog, Narkanda, Rampur, Jiuri, Bhavanager, Karcham, Recongpeo. Shimla to Kalpa by car time will take about 7 hours, driving route is best most of the natural attractions. Almost road is good about 30 Km are under contraction, if you are coming to Himachal from other state and planning to visit Kalpa Sangla Kaza Spiti so the best option is book a taxi Shimla to Kalpa. Available all types of cab service at the best price, like Dzire, Etios, Innova Etc. This is also a great option Shimla to Kalpa by car and journey as smooth and safe.



Alto / Indica


Dzire / Etios


Innova / Tavera


Tempo Traveller


Tour Packages

Advantage of taking “taxi Shimla to Kalpa”

•        Pickup from Shimla from anywhere anytime like railway station, ISBT

•        Dropping facility available anywhere in Kalpa

•        Save on local transport charges and hassles

•        Safe & Reliable taxi service

•        No hidden charges, this service includes toll tax

•        New & clean cab well-experienced drivers

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